Course Assistant GE

Department: Chemistry and Biochemistry
FTE: 0.46
Terms: Fall Winter Spring Summer 
Academic Year: 2020-21 and subsequent


Course assistants (GEs) are responsible for helping faculty with teaching and administrative tasks including but not limited to data entry, web posting, photocopying, grading, office hours, providing review sessions, exam development and proctoring.

Preferred Qualifications:

Applicants should have:

  • Significant coursework in the sciences including chemistry, biochemistry, biology or a closely related field.
  • A grade point average of at least 3.5 (on a scale of 4) in chemistry and math courses
  • Demonstrated excellence in communication and interpersonal skills
  • A grade of A- or better in a course similar to the one for which they are applying

Application Procedure:

Submit an application or resume, containing a list of chemistry, math and physics courses completed and grades received (unofficial copies of transcripts are acceptable). Provide contact information for at least two people who can comment on your skills or promise as a teaching assistant. Applicants will be notified after students have completed registration for classes. Please submit all application materials to Michael Koscho (Assistant Department Head) via email.

Positions are open until filled. Application reviews begin the 5th week of the term preceding employment.

Application Email:

Deadline Date: Rolling

Open Until Filled: Yes
Open Until Filled, Review Begins On: Application reviews begin the 5th week of the term preceding employment.

Contact Information:
Michael Koscho
1253 University of Oregon
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Eugene, Oregon 97403